HI-REVIEW: Laneige Radian-C Cream

by Charlotte Wright

Just like how we take vitamins for our bodies to stay healthy, topical vitamins for our skin are just as important. These vitamins can protect us from free radicals and environmental aggressors that we aren’t aware our skin is vulnerable too on a day to day basis. 

Free radicals can be produced in the body and from outside sources, pollution being one of the main culprits, along with dust, cigarette smoke and household cleaners.

Introducing topical vitamins into your daily skincare routine is giving your skin the best defense against signs of aging, un-even skin tone and breakouts. 

Price: $45

Quantity: 30ml

Vitamin C is very well known and used in the beauty industry for good reason. It can efficiently help with a wide range of concerns from uneven skin tone to acne scars and age spots. It’s even considered to protect skin from precancerous changes caused by UV exposure (this does not mean you can swap it for SPF though!). 

Like the name suggests Laneige Radian-C Cream contains Vitamin C but also Vitamin E. Along with Vitamin C, Vitamin E is classed as an antioxidant and is used to fight free radicals, but it also has anti-inflammatory properties. The two combined form a skincare super team that is balanced and gentle on all skin types. 

I’m a big fan of Laneige so I felt I already knew I was going to like this product. The creams they produce in particular are always on point. This Radian-C Cream being no exception! 

Firstly, the packaging, it’s secure and sturdy not to mention gorgeous to look at. Yes, you only get 30ml which I admit is on the smaller side, but the pay-off is that it’s so easy to put in your make up bag and take with you if you need too. I have no worries of this getting damaged or leaking on the go. 

I use this cream at night as the last step in my skincare routine, it is slightly heavier than other creams so it will leave you feeling slightly shiny but don’t be afraid of that. I promise you it is locking in all the moisture you need and the goodness from your serums and your skin will thank you in the morning. 

As the season change, you will find you need to change your skincare with it. Heavier SPF’s and days spent in the sun mean we need to adapt to better take care of our skin. 

I feel that the Laneige Radian-C Cream is the perfect companion for summer safe skin for all skin types, it will replenish and lock in moisture while helping recover from the UV exposure. 

Combo and dry skin people will love this cream. My oily skin people, please don’t be afraid of how heavy this might seem! Give it a try, it might be just what your skin is craving 😊 

Stay juicy! 

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