K-Culture: The World of K-Beauty has Skincare Myths Too?!

by Michelle Li

With Koreans coming up with the 10-step skincare routine, ‘7-layer toner method,’ and ‘1 mask a day,’ I bet there’s a few more (and maybe odd) self-care tips, maybe even myths, that you haven’t heard about. They’re so instilled in any Koreans’ self-care routine, that this is just part of their everyday lifestyle. How many of these do you know? 

Apply Skincare in Upward Motion


Wrinkles are preventative through sunscreen, anti-aging skincare ingredients, and applying skincare in an upwards motion? 🤔 From toner to sunscreen, it's a must to apply upwards. This motion works to literally lift your skin up; you could think of it as an at-home face lift. So instead of rubbing in your skincare, prevent sagging by patting it in, in a lifting motion. Oh, and just a bonus tip! When applying eye cream, use only the fourth finger. When the thinnest skin is located right under your eyes, you need to use the softest, most delicate finger.

Go All Out to SPF-Protect


Seeing Koreans wearing arm sleeves while driving in the brink of summer may leave you questioning them 😂 You might be wondering how they're doing such a thing when it's so hot but it's all for ✨ beautiful skin ✨ Though, it may be boiling, they care more about keeping their skin SPF protected. That means applying sunscreen and wearing these arm sleeves. During summer, you may even spot Koreans carrying an umbrella, not ‘cause it’s raining but it’s the guaranteed way to stay out of the sun wherever you go. It goes without saying that sun care is crucial for them, after all, it’s the #1 aging-preventer!

Broccoli to Eliminate Dark Circles 


The first time I heard this, I thought it was a bit weird. When we grew up with the saying 'carrots for 20/20 vision', Koreans believe that broccoli is how you fade dark circles. After looking into it, it kind of makes sense. This green veggie is packed with a ton of vitamin K. This vitamin specifically helps with blood circulation, one of the causes of those stubborn dark circles. So if you want to get rid of dark circles, simply each a plate of broccoli 🥦

Brush Your Teeth 3X a Day


It’s no doubt that dental hygiene is important - it's why we brush our teeth morning and night. But Koreans actually take this one step further by brushing their teeth after lunch. This routine was taught from kindergarten and many still follow it. This even includes some of our HIKOCO head office staff. I was so shocked when I first saw them doing this ‘cause this was NEVER a thing when I was growing up.

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