HI-REVIEW: Peripera Cushion Pang Tint
Peripera Cushion Pang Tint
The key word for 2015-2016 is "CUSHION". Every cosmetics are newly released in cushion function. Peripera also released their most representative item; lip tint with cushion applicator.
* Package
It is similar to Peri's ink tint package. It is super cute and easy to see the colour from the outside of package.
* Colour
Peripera Cushion Pang Tint comes with 6 different colours. Overall, colours are good for daily makeup.

* Applicator
Peripera Cushion Pang Tint has a special applicator which is cushion as a tip

* Special Tips
You can use this cushion pang tint as lip tint
Use it as a cream blusher
* Overall
To me, it is handy and easy to use. Especially when I create the gradient lips, I don't need to use my finger tips to smudge which is the best part of this tint.
Colour stains for long time like Peri's Ink (my favourite tint ever) but at the end, most of colour stays like pinkish red (except #0). Unless colour stays for whole day, I am happy to use it ^^
What color is that at the end? The one you used as a blusher? Coral or Orange? Thanks! ???
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