Finally, a Personal Colour Consultation in NZ!
If you are a K-beauty makeup fanatic, finding out whether you have a cool, warm or neutral undertone was probably one of the first know-hows you came across. The easiest way you can tell what undertone you are is through the veins on your wrist. A cool undertone has blue and/or purple-coloured veins and those with warm undertones have green-coloured veins. If you're neutral, well, you have both vein colours. This is essential to helping you find the right foundation for your skin tone as well as what colour of jewellery, makeup and clothes pair best with your skin tone. But Korea has taken it a whole step further with “Personal Colour.”
Finding your personal colour starts with knowing your undertone but it’s now much more than that. Are you summer, spring, fall or winter? Yes, your personal colour can also be associated with the four seasons. If you are warm, you are either a spring type or fall type. The colours that are in these seasons instantly remind us of the blooming flowers (spring) or the autumn leaves (fall) 🌷🍂 For those that identify themselves with a cool undertone, you are a summer or winter type ☀️❄️ Already sounds a bit confusing, right? But wait, there’s more 😂 Summer and spring seasons are referred to as light, due to their paler colours. Fall and winter seasons are the much darker colours, thus they are referred to as deep. Then to determine your personal colour even further, the colours from each season are categorised into bright, soft/mute and dark. Basically, this is the contrast and saturation chroma of colour.
In all honesty, when I first discovered personal colours, it all sounded a bit complicated 😅 I guess a lot of Koreans were thinking the same which is why you can have personal colour consultations done in Korea. The consultants determine your personal colour by draping different coloured fabrics next to your face, one at a time. These fabric colours range from both cool or warm undertones, colours of the four seasons, and each with different contrast and saturation levels. You can tell if a colour doesn’t suit your skin tone if the colour of the fabric against your face makes you look washed out. Dark circles and pigmentation being more prominent are also some of the signs. Instead the right colour should make your skin tone look brighter, bring out the colour of your lips, have your eye colour pop more and can even make your hair appear shinier.
Color Lover Lab
We may have little to no access to these consultations here but there’s now an app to do all this for you 👏 The Color Lover Lab app gives you a personal colour consultation and I have to say it’s quite an in-depth experience. It starts off by determining the brightness that best suits your skin tone, then the saturation of a variety of colours. Finally, you go through a selection of warm and cool colours to determine the personal colour that fits you best before the page lands on your final personal colour. The result gives you an easy to understand yet detailed description along with a character illustration 😊 It’s so cute that I thought I would share mine with you below - “a calm Mute Summer, like a blueberry.” This means colours that have more of a grey tone suits me best. Oh, and definitely no vivid colours for me 🙈
Color Lover Lab
I like how it gives you a percentage of your skin tone on a warm to cool spectrum. It also gives you a second personal colour result (mine being 46% Light Summer), which I think is super helpful too. Why not experiment? There will be some colours under the second personal colour result that will look just as amazing as the first personal colour pick. Sometimes, colours will overlap with another 🌈 Colour Lover Lab also gives you recommendations for the result you got with specific colours of contact lens, hair and makeup colours that look best on you!
With my Mute Summer personal colour result, I have definitely been changing up and experimenting with my makeup by going with more cool-toned colours than warmer ones. Even gravitating towards colours I don’t usually wear and seeing how they look against my skin tone. Try the app for yourself and leave your results below! Would love to know what our Beauties stand out personal colour is that accentuates your features 🥰
Hi Varinder,
Unfortunately, we don’t know of any personal colour consultations here in Auckland, NZ 🥺
We’re definitely on the lookout, and you’ll be the first to know once we find out!
Thanks for reading xx
Hi there, i have recently discovered colour analysis and was hoping to get a consultation.
Hi Melissa & Cherie,
Unfortunately, we don’t know of any personal colour consultations here in Auckland, NZ 🥺
We’re definitely on the lookout and you’ll be the first to know once we find out!
Thanks for reading xx
Hi there I was wanting to give my daughter-in-law a gift of having her colours done, could you please tell me how much that would cost and if you fo them. ?
thanks, Cherie
Hi there, i have recently discovered colour analysis and was hoping to get a consultation
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