#Curation Soo Boo Ji
16 products
4 Weeks. 4 Brands. Exclusive FREEBIES! 💝
16 products
Have you ever had that experience when you entered a HIKOCO shop, asked for recommendations, the staff asks you skin type, and you’re just standing there looking blank? Skin types tend to be categorised in three different types: oily, dry, and normal. But what if I get oily on the outside, but in the inside I feel my skin tightening up? 😖
The full word for “수부지” is “수분 부족형 지성,” which translates to “oily dehydrated skin.” 💦 This means that you are oily skinned, but the insides of the skin are not moist enough. For these people, they can easily can hormonal acne from the excess oil, and whiteheads or comedonal acne from the lack of hydration. A lot of Korean Beauty brands thus come up with products that target this skin type in particular! The word “수부지” can be seen in a LOT of skincare marketing copies & hashtags, so look for those words 👀
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